Continuo usando autoit para facilitarme la vida laboral. Ahora me encuentro con el siguiente problema. Os muestro primero el código:
Código: Seleccionar todo
#include <SQLite.au3>
#include <SQLite.dll.au3>
Local $hQuery,$aRow
_SQLite_Startup ()
If @error > 0 Then
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", "SQLite.dll Can't be Loaded!")
Exit - 1
ConsoleWrite("_SQLite_LibVersion=" &_SQLite_LibVersion() & @CR)
$handle_bbdd = _SQLite_Open ("C:\yo\programas\gespro\gespro.odb") ; Open a :memory: database
If @error > 0 Then
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", "Can't Load Database!")
Exit - 1
MsgBox(0,"BASE DE DATOS ABIERTA",$handle_bbdd)
$d = _SQLite_Exec($handle_bbdd,"Select * From " & "T_MAILS;","_cb") ; _cb Will be called for each row
Func _cb($aRow)
For $s In $aRow
ConsoleWrite($s & @TAB)
; Return $SQLITE_ABORT ; Would Abort the process and trigger an @error in _SQLite_Exec()
_SQLite_Close ()
_SQLite_Shutdown ()
! SQLite.au3 Error
--> Function: _SQLite_GetTable2d or _SQLite_QuerySingleRow or _SQLite_Exec
--> Query: Select * From T_MAILS;
--> Error: file is encrypted or is not a database
Mi pregunta obviamente no es qué ocurre (se algo de inglés) sino si alguien ha intentado acceder a una base de datos de openoffice usando autoit.