¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Pregunta Sin Miedo no te cortes cualquier cosa para empezar - Autoit se comienza facilmente.Para Ordenes o Comandos sueltos. Ver nota como preguntar.
Mensajes: 22
Registrado: 02 Abr 2008, 23:41

¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por N4THAN1EL »

Creando un editor de texto me ha surgido la siguiente duda:

Como editar cualquier propiedad de las letras seleccionadas. Mi prototipo de momento lo que hace es actualizar todo el texto a través de un botón con la nueva fuente o propiedades (Más adelante seguramente preguntaré como hacerlo automáticamente xD). Lo que quiero hacer es que al clicar el botón actualizar y tener un texto seleccionado, tan sólo se modifique este.

Aquí el código:

Código: Seleccionar todo

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

; Definimos la GUI
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 436, 367, 193, 115)
$Editor = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 32, 16, 369, 289)
$Update = GUICtrlCreateButton("Actualizar", 32, 320, 113, 17, 0)
$Negrit = GUICtrlCreateButton("N", 160, 320, 17, 17, 0)
$Archivo = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Archivo")
$Guardar = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Guardar", $Archivo)
$Print = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Imprimir", $Archivo)
$Formato = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Formato")
$Fuente = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Fuente", $Formato)
$Salir = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Salir")
$Exit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit",$Salir)

;Declaramos las diferentes funciones de las que constará el editor de texto
; Función para Guardar
Func Guardar()
	$Contenido = GUICtrlRead($Editor)
	$Ruta = FileSaveDialog("Guardar Archivo",@MyDocumentsDir,"Archivo de texto (*.txt)")
	$File = FileOpen($Ruta & ".txt",2)

; Función para imprimir
Func Print()
	$Contenido = GUICtrlRead($Editor)
	$Archivo_Imprimir = FileOpen("C:\Imprimir.txt",2)
	$Imprimiendo = _FilePrint("C:\Imprimir.txt",@SW_SHOW)
	If $Imprimiendo Then
		MsgBox(16,"ERROR","Error: " & @error & @CRLF & "Archivo no impreso")

; Función para cambiar la fuente
Func Select_Font()
	global $Font = _ChooseFont("Georgia",10)
; El bucle para empezar la GUI y el programa
While 1
	$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
	Switch $nMsg
		Case $Guardar
		Case $Print
		Case $Fuente
		Case $Update
		Case $Exit
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Hacker del Foro
Mensajes: 247
Registrado: 17 Jul 2007, 18:27

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por Rupert.25 »

Hola Amigo: Creo que algo tienes mal, y eso es malo jaja

bueno lo que pasa es que en un Edit comun y corriente no vas a poder cambiar parcialmente la fuente. Necesitas un control que se llama GUIRichEdit o algo asi.

Aunque para tu felicidad los del foro de ingles ya lo han arreglado. Ya crearon ese control...

Aqui te dejo los enlaces:

http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index ... 58&hl=rich

http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index ... 00&hl=rich

http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index ... 63&hl=rich

Esas son UDF's que han creado los compañeros del foro de ingles.
Miralas se que te van a servir :D

Gracias !
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Hacker del Foro
Mensajes: 194
Registrado: 27 Jun 2007, 23:32
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por Nahuel »

Bueno, pero vos querés hacer un RichEdit! Te estás metiendo en terrenos complicados :smt003

Por suerte para todos, ya hay librerías de RichEdit para AutoIt. Es realmente excelente pero un tanto engorrosa para trabajar! Tenés que tener en cuenta muchas cosas.

Te dejo un ejemplo que hice para vos, este script necesita la librería que adjunté y hace lo que vos querías :)

Código: Seleccionar todo

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>

$GUI = GUICreate("Hola", 700, 500)

$hRichText = RichText_Create($GUI, 0, 0, 700, 475)
RichText_InsertText($hRichText, "Seleccioná parte de este texto y presioná el botón de negrita o cursiva")
$btnNegrita = GUICtrlCreateButton("Negrita",0,475,350,25)
$btnCursiva = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cursiva",350,475,350,25)

While 1
	Switch GUIGetMsg()
		Case $btnNegrita
		Case $btnCursiva
Lindo, no?

Acá la librería: (que no pude adjuntar)

Código: Seleccionar todo

#CS Functions:

RichText_Create(ByRef $h_Gui, $x, $y, $width, $height, $v_styles = $DEFAULT_RICHTEXT_STYLE, $v_exstyles = $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
RichText_SetText($hRichText, $s_Text = "")
RichText_InsertText($hRichText, $s_Text = "")
RichText_AppendText($hRichText, $s_Text = "")
RichText_GetText($hRichText, $Method=$RICHTEXT_ALL)
RichText_SetSel($hRichText, $i_start, $i_end)
RichText_LineIndex($hRichText, $i_line = -1)
RichText_LineLength($hRichText, $i_index = -1)
RichText_Limit($hRichText, $hLimitTo)
RichText_BkColor($hRichText, $iColor)
RichText_PosFromChar($hRichText, $iIndex)
RichText_SetBkColor($hRichText, $hColor, $iSelec = True)
RichText_SetBold($hRichText, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
RichText_SetColor($hRichText, $hColor, $iSelec = True)
RichText_SetFontSize($hRichText, $Size , $iSelec = True)
RichText_SetStrikeOut($hRichText, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
RichText_SetEventMask($hRichText, $hFunction)
RichText_SetFont($hRichText, $hFontName, $iSelec = True)
RichText_SetItalic($hRichText, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
RichText_SetReadOnly($hRichText $hBool = True)
RichText_SetUnderline($hRichText, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
RichText_SetTabStops($hRichText, $aTabStops)
RichText_HideSelection($hRichText, $iState=True)
RichText_SetFormat($hRichText, $dwMask, $yHeight = 8, $yOffset = 0, _$crTextColor = 16711680, $bCharSet = 0, $bPitchAndFamily = 0, $szFaceName = "Sans Serif", _$wWeight = 400, $crBackColor = -1, $Underline = 0, $bUnderlineType = 0)


#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <Memory.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GuiEdit.au3>
#Include <WinAPI.au3>

Global Const $RICHTEXT_ALL = 0			; All the text will be used
Global Const $RICHTEXT_SELECTION = 1	; Only the selection will be used
Global Const $RICHTEXT_PAUSE = 2		; Pause drawing before executing a function
Global Const $RICHTEXT_RESUME = 4		; Resume drawing after executing a function
Global Const $RICHTEXT_REDRAW = 8		; Pause drawing > execute function > resume drawing. ($RICHTEXT_REDRAW is the same as $RICHTEXT_PAUSE + $RICHTEXT_RESUME)

;Global Const $WM_NOTIFY = 0x4E
;~ Global Const $WM_USER = 0x400

Global Const $RICHEDIT_CLASSA = "RichEdit20A"
Global Const $RICHEDIT_CLASSW = "RichEdit20W"

Global Const $ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES = 0x4000

Global Const $ST_DEFAULT = 0
Global Const $ST_KEEPUNDO = 1
Global Const $ST_SELECTION = 2

; pitch and family
;~ If Not IsDeclared("DEFAULT_PITCH") Then Global Const $DEFAULT_PITCH	= 0

;~ If Not IsDeclared("FF_DONTCARE") Then Global Const $FF_DONTCARE		= 0

Global Const $CFU_UNDERLINE = 1

; code pages
Global Const $CP_ACP = 0 ; use system default
Global Const $CP_37 = 37
Global Const $CP_273 = 273
Global Const $CP_277 = 277
Global Const $CP_278 = 278
Global Const $CP_280 = 280
Global Const $CP_284 = 284
Global Const $CP_285 = 285
Global Const $CP_290 = 290
Global Const $CP_297 = 297
Global Const $CP_423 = 423
Global Const $CP_500 = 500
Global Const $CP_875 = 875
Global Const $CP_930 = 930
Global Const $CP_931 = 931
Global Const $CP_932 = 932
Global Const $CP_933 = 933
Global Const $CP_935 = 935
Global Const $CP_936 = 936
Global Const $CP_937 = 937
Global Const $CP_939 = 939
Global Const $CP_949 = 949
Global Const $CP_950 = 950
Global Const $CP_1027 = 1027
Global Const $CP_5026 = 5026
Global Const $CP_5035 = 5035

Global Const $CFM_ALLCAPS = 0x80
Global Const $CFM_ANIMATION = 0x40000
Global Const $CFM_BACKCOLOR = 0x4000000
Global Const $CFM_BOLD = 0x1
Global Const $CFM_CHARSET = 0x8000000
Global Const $CFM_COLOR = 0x40000000
Global Const $CFM_DISABLED = 0x2000
Global Const $CFM_EMBOSS = 0x800
Global Const $CFM_FACE = 0x20000000
Global Const $CFM_HIDDEN = 0x100
Global Const $CFM_IMPRINT = 0x1000
Global Const $CFM_ITALIC = 0x2
Global Const $CFM_KERNING = 0x100000
Global Const $CFM_LCID = 0x2000000
Global Const $CFM_LINK = 0x20
Global Const $CFM_OFFSET = 0x10000000
Global Const $CFM_OUTLINE = 0x200
Global Const $CFM_PROTECTED = 0x10
Global Const $CFM_REVAUTHOR = 0x8000
Global Const $CFM_REVISED = 0x4000
Global Const $CFM_SHADOW = 0x400
Global Const $CFM_SIZE = 0x80000000
Global Const $CFM_SMALLCAPS = 0x40
Global Const $CFM_SPACING = 0x200000
Global Const $CFM_STRIKEOUT = 0x8
Global Const $CFM_STYLE = 0x80000
Global Const $CFM_SUBSCRIPT = BitOR(0x10000, 0x20000)
Global Const $CFM_UNDERLINE = 0x4
Global Const $CFM_UNDERLINETYPE = 0x800000
Global Const $CFM_WEIGHT = 0x400000

Global Const $CFE_AUTOCOLOR = 0x40000000
Global Const $CFE_BOLD = 0x1
Global Const $CFE_ITALIC = 0x2
Global Const $CFE_LINK = 0x20
Global Const $CFE_PROTECTED = 0x10
Global Const $CFE_STRIKEOUT = 0x8
Global Const $CFE_SUBSCRIPT = 0x10000
Global Const $CFE_SUPERSCRIPT = 0x20000
Global Const $CFE_UNDERLINE = 0x4


Global Const $SCF_DEFAULT = 0x0
Global Const $SCF_SELECTION = 0x1
Global Const $SCF_WORD = 0x2
Global Const $SCF_ALL = 0x4
Global Const $SCF_USEUIRULES = 0x8
Global Const $SCF_ASSOCIATEFONT = 0x10
Global Const $SCF_NOKBUPDATE = 0x20

; RichEdit Messages
Global Const $EM_AUTOURLDETECT = ($WM_USER + 91)
Global Const $EM_CANPASTE = ($WM_USER + 50)
Global Const $EM_CANREDO = ($WM_USER + 85)
Global Const $EM_DISPLAYBAND = ($WM_USER + 51)
Global Const $EM_EXGETSEL = ($WM_USER + 52)
Global Const $EM_EXLIMITTEXT = ($WM_USER + 53)
Global Const $EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR = ($WM_USER + 54)
Global Const $EM_EXSETSEL = ($WM_USER + 55)
Global Const $EM_FINDTEXT = ($WM_USER + 56)
Global Const $EM_FINDTEXTEX = ($WM_USER + 79)
Global Const $EM_FINDTEXTEXW = ($WM_USER + 124)
Global Const $EM_FINDTEXTW = ($WM_USER + 123)
Global Const $EM_FINDWORDBREAK = ($WM_USER + 76)
Global Const $EM_FORMATRANGE = ($WM_USER + 57)
Global Const $EM_GETBIDIOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 201)
Global Const $EM_GETCHARFORMAT = ($WM_USER + 58)
Global Const $EM_GETEDITSTYLE = ($WM_USER + 205)
Global Const $EM_GETEVENTMASK = ($WM_USER + 59)
Global Const $EM_GETIMECOLOR = ($WM_USER + 105)
Global Const $EM_GETIMECOMPMODE = ($WM_USER + 122)
Global Const $EM_GETIMEMODEBIAS = ($WM_USER + 127)
Global Const $EM_GETIMEOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 107)
Global Const $EM_GETLANGOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 121)
Global Const $EM_GETOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 78)
Global Const $EM_GETPARAFORMAT = ($WM_USER + 61)
Global Const $EM_GETPUNCTUATION = ($WM_USER + 101)
Global Const $EM_GETREDONAME = ($WM_USER + 87)
Global Const $EM_GETSCROLLPOS = ($WM_USER + 221)
Global Const $EM_GETSELTEXT = ($WM_USER + 62)
Global Const $EM_GETTEXTEX = ($WM_USER + 94)
Global Const $EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX = ($WM_USER + 95)
Global Const $EM_GETTEXTMODE = ($WM_USER + 90)
Global Const $EM_GETTEXTRANGE = ($WM_USER + 75)
Global Const $EM_GETUNDONAME = ($WM_USER + 86)
Global Const $EM_GETWORDWRAPMODE = ($WM_USER + 103)
Global Const $EM_GETZOOM = ($WM_USER + 224)
Global Const $EM_HIDESELECTION = ($WM_USER + 63)
Global Const $EM_PASTESPECIAL = ($WM_USER + 64)
Global Const $EM_RECONVERSION = ($WM_USER + 125)
Global Const $EM_REDO = ($WM_USER + 84)
Global Const $EM_REQUESTRESIZE = ($WM_USER + 65)
Global Const $EM_SELECTIONTYPE = ($WM_USER + 66)
Global Const $EM_SETBIDIOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 200)
Global Const $EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR = ($WM_USER + 67)
Global Const $EM_SETCHARFORMAT = ($WM_USER + 68)
Global Const $EM_SETEDITSTYLE = ($WM_USER + 204)
Global Const $EM_SETEVENTMASK = ($WM_USER + 69)
Global Const $EM_SETFONTSIZE = ($WM_USER + 223)
Global Const $EM_SETIMECOLOR = ($WM_USER + 104)
Global Const $EM_SETIMEMODEBIAS = ($WM_USER + 126)
Global Const $EM_SETIMEOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 106)
Global Const $EM_SETLANGOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 120)
Global Const $EM_SETOLECALLBACK = ($WM_USER + 70)
Global Const $EM_SETOPTIONS = ($WM_USER + 77)
Global Const $EM_SETPALETTE = ($WM_USER + 93)
Global Const $EM_SETPARAFORMAT = ($WM_USER + 71)
Global Const $EM_SETPUNCTUATION = ($WM_USER + 100)
Global Const $EM_SETSCROLLPOS = ($WM_USER + 222)
Global Const $EM_SETTARGETDEVICE = ($WM_USER + 72)
Global Const $EM_SETTEXTEX = ($WM_USER + 97)
Global Const $EM_SETTEXTMODE = ($WM_USER + 89)
Global Const $EM_SETUNDOLIMIT = ($WM_USER + 82)
Global Const $EM_SETWORDWRAPMODE = ($WM_USER + 102)
Global Const $EM_SETZOOM = ($WM_USER + 225)
Global Const $EM_SHOWSCROLLBAR = ($WM_USER + 96)
Global Const $EM_STOPGROUPTYPING = ($WM_USER + 88)
Global Const $EM_STREAMIN = ($WM_USER + 73)
Global Const $EM_STREAMOUT = ($WM_USER + 74)

Global Const $EN_ALIGNLTR = 0X710
Global Const $EN_ALIGNRTL = 0X711
Global Const $EN_CORRECTTEXT = 0X705
Global Const $EN_DRAGDROPDONE = 0X70c
Global Const $EN_DROPFILES = 0X703
Global Const $EN_IMECHANGE = 0X707
Global Const $EN_LINK = 0X70b
Global Const $EN_MSGFILTER = 0X700
Global Const $EN_OBJECTPOSITIONS = 0X70a
Global Const $EN_OLEOPFAILED = 0X709
Global Const $EN_PROTECTED = 0X704
Global Const $EN_REQUESTRESIZE = 0X701
Global Const $EN_SAVECLIPBOARD = 0X708
Global Const $EN_SELCHANGE = 0X702
Global Const $EN_STOPNOUNDO = 0X706

Global Const $ENM_CHANGE = 0x1
Global Const $ENM_CORRECTTEXT = 0x400000
Global Const $ENM_DRAGDROPDONE = 0x10
Global Const $ENM_DROPFILES = 0x100000
Global Const $ENM_IMECHANGE = 0x800000
Global Const $ENM_KEYEVENTS = 0x10000
Global Const $ENM_LINK = 0x4000000
Global Const $ENM_MOUSEEVENTS = 0x20000
Global Const $ENM_OBJECTPOSITIONS = 0x2000000
Global Const $ENM_PROTECTED = 0x200000
Global Const $ENM_REQUESTRESIZE = 0x40000
Global Const $ENM_SCROLL = 0x4
Global Const $ENM_SCROLLEVENTS = 0x8
Global Const $ENM_SELCHANGE = 0x80000
Global Const $ENM_UPDATE = 0x2

Global Const $ES_DISABLENOSCROLL = 0x2000
Global Const $ES_EX_NOCALLOLEINIT = 0x1000000
Global Const $ES_NOIME = 0x80000
Global Const $ES_SELFIME = 0x40000
Global Const $ES_SUNKEN = 0x4000

;~ Global Const $ES_NUMBER					= 0x2000
;~ Global Const $ES_PASSWORD				= 0x20
;~ Global Const $ES_READONLY				= 0x800
;~ Global Const $ES_RIGHT					= 0x2
;~ Global Const $ES_WANTRETURN			= 0x1000

Global Const $WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x203
Global Const $WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x201
Global Const $WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x206
Global Const $WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x204
Global Const $WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x205

Global Const $GT_DEFAULT            = 0x00000000
Global Const $GT_USECRLF            = 0x00000001
Global Const $GT_SELECTION          = 0x00000002
Global Const $GT_RAWTEXT            = 0x00000004
Global Const $GT_NOHIDDENTEXT       = 0x00000008

; structure formats
Global Const $LF_FACESIZE = 32
Global Const $MAX_TAB_STOPS = 32


Global Const $NMHDR_fmt = "int;int;int"
;~ HWND hwndFrom;
;~ UINT idFrom;
;~ UINT code;

Global Const $Rect_fmt = "int;int;int;int"

Global Const $bidioptions_fmt = "uint;int;int"
;~ UINT cbSize;
;~ WORD wMask;
;~ WORD wEffects

Global Const $charformat_fmt = "uint;dword;dword;int;int;int;byte;byte;char[" & $LF_FACESIZE & "]"
;~ UINT cbSize;
;~ DWORD dwMask;
;~ DWORD dwEffects;
;~ LONG yHeight;
;~ LONG yOffset;
;~ COLORREF crTextColor;
;~ BYTE bCharSet;
;~ BYTE bPitchAndFamily;

Global Const $charformat2_fmt = "uint;dword;dword;int;int;int;byte;byte;char[" & $LF_FACESIZE & "];int;short;int;byte;byte;byte;byte"
;~ UINT cbSize;
;~ DWORD dwMask;
;~ DWORD dwEffects;
;~ LONG yHeight;
;~ LONG yOffset;
;~ COLORREF crTextColor;
;~ BYTE bCharSet;
;~ BYTE bPitchAndFamily;
;~ WORD wWeight;
;~ SHORT sSpacing;
;~ COLORREF crBackColor;
;~ LCID lcid;
;~ DWORD dwReserved;
;~ SHORT sStyle;
;~ WORD wKerning;
;~ BYTE bUnderlineType;
;~ BYTE bAnimation;
;~ BYTE bRevAuthor;
;~ BYTE bReserved1;

Global Const $charrange_fmt = "int;int"
;~ LONG cpMin;
;~ LONG cpMax;

Global Const $COMPCOLOR_fmt = "int;int;dword"
;~ COLORREF crText;
;~ COLORREF crBackground;
;~ DWORD dwEffects

;~ editstream {
;~     DWORD_PTR dwCookie;
;~     DWORD dwError;

Global Const $encorrecttext_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";" & $charrange_fmt & ";int"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ CHARRANGE chrg;
;~ WORD seltyp;

Global Const $endropfiles_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";int;int;int"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ HANDLE hDrop;
;~ LONG cp;
;~ BOOL fProtected

Global Const $ENLINK_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";uint;int;int;" & $charrange_fmt
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ UINT msg;
;~ WPARAM wParam;
;~ LPARAM lParam;

Global Const $enlowfirtf_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";ptr"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ CHAR *szControl

Global Const $ENOLEOPFAILED_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";int;int;int"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ LONG iob;
;~ LONG lOper;
;~ HRESULT hr;

Global Const $enprotected_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";uint;int;int;" & $charrange_fmt
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ UINT msg;
;~ WPARAM wParam;
;~ LPARAM lParam;

Global Const $ENSAVECLIPBOARD_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";int;int"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ LONG cObjectCount;
;~ LONG cch;

;~ Global Const $findtext_fmt = $charrange_fmt & ";ptr"
Global Const $findtext_fmt = $charrange_fmt & ";char[128]"
;~ CHARRANGE chrg;
;~ LPCTSTR lpstrText;

Global Const $findtextex_ftm = $charrange_fmt & ";char[128];" & $charrange_fmt
;~ CHARRANGE chrg;
;~ LPCTSTR lpstrText;
;~ CHARRANGE chrgText

Global Const $formatrange_fmt = "int;int;" & $Rect_fmt & ";" & $Rect_fmt & ";" & $charrange_fmt
;~ HDC hdc;
;~ HDC hdcTarget;
;~ RECT rc;
;~ RECT rcPage;

Global Const $gettextex_fmt = "dword;dword;uint;char;int"
;~ DWORD cb;
;~ DWORD flags;
;~ UINT codepage;
;~ LPCSTR lpDefaultChar;
;~ LPBOOL lpUsedDefChar

Global Const $gettextlengthex_fmt = "dword;uint"
;~ DWORD flags;
;~ UINT codepage;

;~ tagHyphenateInfo {
;~     SHORT cbSize;
;~     SHORT dxHyphenateZone;
;~     PFNHYPHENATEPROC pfnHyphenate

Global Const $tagKHYPH_fmt = "int;int;int;int;int;int;int"
;~ khyphNil,
;~ khyphNormal,
;~ khyphAddBefore,
;~ khyphChangeBefore,
;~ khyphDeleteBefore,
;~ khyphChangeAfter,
;~ khyphDelAndChange

Global Const $hyphresult_fmt = $tagKHYPH_fmt & ";int;char"
;~ KHYPH khyph;
;~ LONG ichHyph;
;~ WCHAR chHyph

Global Const $imecomptext_fmt = "int;dword"
;~ LONG cb;
;~ DWORD flags;

Global Const $msgfilter_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";uint;int;int"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ UINT msg;
;~ WPARAM wParam;
;~ LPARAM lParam

Global Const $objectpositions_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";int;int"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ LONG cObjectCount;
;~ LONG *pcpPositions

Global Const $paraformat_fmt = "uint;dword;int;int;int;int;int;int;short;int[" & $MAX_TAB_STOPS & "]"
;~ UINT cbSize;
;~ DWORD dwMask;
;~ WORD wNumbering;
;~ WORD wReserved;
;~ LONG dxStartIndent;
;~ LONG dxRightIndent;
;~ LONG dxOffset;
;~ WORD wAlignment;
;~ SHORT cTabCount;

Global Const $paraformat_fmt2 = "uint;dword;int;int;int;int;int;int;short;int;int;int;int;short;byte;byte;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int"
;~ UINT cbSize;
;~ DWORD dwMask;
;~ WORD  wNumbering;
;~ WORD  wEffects;
;~ LONG  dxStartIndent;
;~ LONG  dxRightIndent;
;~ LONG  dxOffset;
;~ WORD  wAlignment;
;~ SHORT cTabCount;
;~ LONG  rgxTabs[MAX_TAB_STOPS];
;~ LONG  dySpaceBefore;
;~ LONG  dySpaceAfter;
;~ LONG  dyLineSpacing;
;~ SHORT sStyle;
;~ BYTE  bLineSpacingRule;
;~ BYTE  bOutlineLevel;
;~ WORD  wShadingWeight;
;~ WORD  wShadingStyle;
;~ WORD  wNumberingStart;
;~ WORD  wNumberingStyle;
;~ WORD  wNumberingTab;
;~ WORD  wBorderSpace;
;~ WORD  wBorderWidth;
;~ WORD  wBorders;

Global Const $punctuation_fmt = "uint;ptr"
;~ UINT iSize;
;~ LPSTR szPunctuation

;~ Global $reobject_fmt = "dword;int;int; {
;~     DWORD cbStruct;
;~     LONG cp;
;~     CLSID clsid;
;~     LPOLEOBJECT poleobj;
;~     LPSTORAGE pstg;
;~     LPOLECLIENTSITE polesite;
;~     SIZEL sizel;
;~     DWORD dvaspect;
;~     DWORD dwFlags;
;~     DWORD dwUser

Global Const $repastespecial_fmt = "dword;dword"
;~ DWORD dwAspect;
;~ DWORD_PTR dwParam

Global Const $reqresize_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";" & $Rect_fmt
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ RECT rc;

Global Const $selchange_fmt = $NMHDR_fmt & ";" & $charrange_fmt & ";int"
;~ NMHDR nmhdr;
;~ CHARRANGE chrg;
;~ WORD seltyp;

Global Const $settextex_fmt = "dword;uint"
;~ DWORD flags;
;~ UINT codepage

Global Const $textrange_fmt = $charrange_fmt & ";ptr"
;~ CHARRANGE chrg;
;~ LPSTR lpstrText

Global Const $tagLOGFONT_fmt = "int;int;int;int;int;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;char[" & $LF_FACESIZE & "]"
;~ LONG lfHeight;
;~ LONG lfWidth;
;~ LONG lfEscapement;
;~ LONG lfOrientation;
;~ LONG lfWeight;
;~ BYTE lfItalic;
;~ BYTE lfUnderline;
;~ BYTE lfStrikeOut;
;~ BYTE lfCharSet;
;~ BYTE lfOutPrecision;
;~ BYTE lfClipPrecision;
;~ BYTE lfQuality;
;~ BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;

Global $h_lib
; Cleanup
Func OnAutoItExit()
	$h_lib = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "FreeLibrary", "long", $h_lib)
EndFunc   ;==>OnAutoItExit

; Description:			_GUICtrlRichEditCreate
; Parameter(s):		$h_Gui			- Handle to parent window
;							$x					- The left side of the control
;							$y					- The top of the control
;							$width			- The width of the control
;							$height			- The height of the control
;							$v_styles		- styles to apply to the control (Optional) for multiple styles bitor them.
;							$v_exstyles		- extended styles to apply to the control (Optional) for multiple styles bitor them.
; Requirement:
; Return Value(s):   Returns hWhnd if successful, or 0 with error set to 1 otherwise.
; User CallTip:      _GUICtrlRichEditCreate($h_Gui, $x, $y, $width, $height, [, $v_styles = -1[, $v_exstyles = -1]]) Creates RichEdit Control.
; Author(s):         Gary Frost (gafrost (custompcs@charter.net))
; Note(s):
Func RichText_Create(ByRef $h_Gui, $x, $y, $width, $height, $v_styles = $DEFAULT_RICHTEXT_STYLE, $v_exstyles = $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)
	Local $h_RichEdit, $style
	If Not IsHWnd($h_Gui) Then $h_Gui = HWnd($h_Gui)
	If $v_styles <> -1 Then $style = BitOR($style, $v_styles)
	If $v_exstyles = -1 Then $v_exstyles = 0

;~ 	Local $stICCE = DllStructCreate('dword;dword')
;~ 	DllStructSetData($stICCE, 1, DllStructGetSize($stICCE))
;~ 	DllStructSetData($stICCE, 2, $ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES)

	$h_lib = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "LoadLibrary", "str", "RichEd20.dll")
	If Not @error Then $h_lib = $h_lib[0]

	$h_RichEdit = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "CreateWindowEx", "long", $v_exstyles, _
			"str", $RICHEDIT_CLASSA, "str", "", _
			"long", $style, "long", $x, "long", $y, "long", $width, "long", $height, _
			"hwnd", $h_Gui, "long", 0, "hwnd", $h_Gui, "long", 0)
	If Not @error Then
		RichText_Limit($h_RichEdit[0], -1) ; Limit = 2GB of characters
		_WinAPI_SetFont($h_RichEdit[0], _WinAPI_GetStockObject($DEFAULT_GUI_FONT))
		Return $h_RichEdit[0]

	Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditCreate

; Description:			_GUICtrlRichEditSetText
; Parameter(s):		$h_RichEdit		- Handle to the control
;							$s_Text			- Text to put into the control
; Requirement:
; Return Value(s):   If the operation is setting all of the text and succeeds, the return value is 1.
;							If the operation is setting the selection and succeeds, the return value is the number of bytes or characters copied.
;							If the operation fails, the return value is zero.
; User CallTip:      _GUICtrlRichEditSetText($h_Gui, $s_Text) Put text into the RichEdit Control.
; Author(s):         Gary Frost (gafrost (custompcs@charter.net))
; Note(s):
Func RichText_SetText(ByRef $h_RichEdit, $s_Text = "")
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Local $lResult, $settext_struct
	$settext_struct = DllStructCreate($settextex_fmt)
	DllStructSetData($settext_struct, 1, $ST_DEFAULT)
	DllStructSetData($settext_struct, 2, $CP_ACP)
	Return _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_SETTEXTEX, DllStructGetPtr($settext_struct), $s_Text, 0, "ptr", "str")
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditSetText

Func RichText_InsertText(ByRef $h_RichEdit, $s_Text = "")
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Local $lResult, $settext_struct
	$settext_struct = DllStructCreate($settextex_fmt)
	DllStructSetData($settext_struct, 1, $ST_SELECTION)
	DllStructSetData($settext_struct, 2, $CP_ACP)
	Return _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_SETTEXTEX, DllStructGetPtr($settext_struct), $s_Text, 0, "ptr", "str")
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditInsertText

Func RichText_AppendText(ByRef $h_RichEdit, $s_Text = "")
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Local $lResult, $settext_struct
	Local $i_index = RichText_LineIndex($h_RichEdit, RichText_GetLineCount($h_RichEdit) - 1)
;~ 	If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
	Local $length = RichText_LineLength($h_RichEdit, $i_index) + $i_index
	RichText_SetSel($h_RichEdit, $length, $length)
	$settext_struct = DllStructCreate($settextex_fmt)
	DllStructSetData($settext_struct, 1, $ST_SELECTION)
	DllStructSetData($settext_struct, 2, $CP_ACP)
	Return _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_SETTEXTEX, DllStructGetPtr($settext_struct), $s_Text, 0, "ptr", "str")
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditAppendText

func RichText_GetText($hWnd, $Method=$RICHTEXT_ALL)
	$iLen = RichText_GetLenght($hWnd)+1
	$Struct = DllStructCreate("int; dword; uint; char[100]; int")
	$Buffer = DllStructCreate("char["&$iLen&"]")
	_SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_GETTEXTEX, DllStructGetPtr($Struct), DllStructGetPtr($Buffer))
	Return DllStructGetData($Buffer,1)

func RichText_GetLine($hWnd, $iLine)
	;ConsoleWrite($iLine&" ")
	Local $iLength, $struct_Buffer, $iResult, $struct_String, $aReturn[2]
	$iLength = RichText_LineLength($hWnd, $iLine)
	;ConsoleWrite($iLength&" ")
	$struct_Buffer = DllStructCreate("short Len;char Text[" & $iLength + 2 & "]")
	DllStructSetData($struct_Buffer, "Len", $iLength + 2)
	$iResult = _SendMessageA($hWnd, $EM_GETLINE, $iLine, DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer), 0, "wparam", "ptr")
	;ConsoleWrite($iResult&" ")
	If $iResult = $EC_ERR Then Return $aReturn
	$struct_String = DllStructCreate("char Text[" & $iLength + 1 & "]", DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))
	$aReturn[0] = DllStructGetData($struct_String, "Text")
	$aReturn[1] = RichText_LineIndex($hWnd, $iLine)
	Return $aReturn

#CS Func RichText_GetText(ByRef $h_RichEdit, $start, $end)
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Local $sBuffer_pointer, $TextRange_ptr
	Local $Memory_pointer, $struct_MemMap
	Local $i_Size, $string_Memory_pointer
	Local $buf_struct = DllStructCreate("char[4096]")
	$sBuffer_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($buf_struct)
	Local $TextRange_Struct = DllStructCreate($textrange_fmt)
	$TextRange_ptr = DllStructGetPtr($TextRange_Struct)
	$i_Size = DllStructGetSize($TextRange_Struct)
	DllStructSetData($TextRange_Struct, 1, $start)
	DllStructSetData($TextRange_Struct, 2, $end)
	$Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_RichEdit, $i_Size + 4096, $struct_MemMap)
	If @error Then
		_MemFree ($struct_MemMap)
		Return SetError(-1, -1, "")
	$string_Memory_pointer = $Memory_pointer + 4096
	DllStructSetData($TextRange_Struct, 3, $string_Memory_pointer)
	_MemWrite ($struct_MemMap, $TextRange_ptr)
	If @error Then
		_MemFree ($struct_MemMap)
		Return SetError(-1, -1, "")
	Local $lResult = _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, $Memory_pointer)
	If @error Then
		_MemFree ($struct_MemMap)
		Return SetError(-1, -1, "")
	_MemRead ($struct_MemMap, $string_Memory_pointer, $sBuffer_pointer, 4096)
	If @error Then
		_MemFree ($struct_MemMap)
		Return SetError(-1, -1, "")
	_MemFree ($struct_MemMap)
	If @error Then Return SetError(-1, -1, "")
;~ 	MsgBox(0, "Rich Edit Get Text", "Chars Copied: " & $lResult & @CRLF & "Chars: " & DllStructGetData($buf_struct, 1))
	Return DllStructGetData($buf_struct, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditGetText

Func RichText_GetScrollPos($hRichText)
	local $return[2]
	$sT = DllStructCreate("long x; long y")
	$iRet = _SendMessage($hRichText, ($WM_USER + 221), 0, DllStructGetPtr($sT))
	$return[0] = DllStructGetData($sT,1)
	$return[1] = DllStructGetData($sT,2)
	Return $return

; Description:			_GUICtrlRichEditGetSel
; Parameter(s):		$h_RichEdit - controlID
; Requirement:			None
; Return Value(s):	Array containing the starting and ending selected positions, first element ($array[0]) contains the number of elements
;							If an error occurs, the return value is $EC_ERR.
; User CallTip:		_GUICtrlRichEditGetSel($h_RichEdit) Retrieves the starting and ending character positions of the current selection in an edit control. (required: <GuiRichEdit.au3>)
; Author(s):			Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s):				$array[1] contains the starting position
;							$array[2] contains the ending position
Func RichText_GetSel($h_RichEdit)
;~ 	If Not _IsClassName ($h_Edit, "Edit") Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Local $ptr1 = "int", $ptr2 = "int", $i_ret
	Local $wparam = DllStructCreate($ptr1)
	Local $a_sel
	If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
	Local $lparam = DllStructCreate($ptr2)
	If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
;~ 	If IsHWnd($h_Edit) Then
	$i_ret = _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_GETSEL, DllStructGetPtr($wparam), DllStructGetPtr($lparam))
;~ 	Else
;~ 		$i_ret = GUICtrlSendMsg($h_Edit, $EM_GETSEL, DllStructGetPtr($wparam), DllStructGetPtr($lparam))
;~ 	EndIf
	If ($i_ret == -1) Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
	$a_sel = StringSplit(DllStructGetData($wparam, 1) & "," & DllStructGetData($lparam, 1), ",")
	Return $a_sel
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditGetSel

; Description:			_GUICtrlRichEditSetSel
; Parameter(s):		$h_RichEdit - controlID
;							$i_start - Specifies the starting character position of the selection.
;							$i_end - Specifies the ending character position of the selection.
; Requirement:			None
; Return Value(s):	None
; User CallTip:		_GUICtrlRichEditSetSel($h_RichEdit, $i_start, $i_end) Selects a range of characters in an edit control. (required: <GuiRichEdit.au3>)
; Author(s):			Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s):				The start value can be greater than the end value.
;							The lower of the two values specifies the character position of the first character in the selection.
;							The higher value specifies the position of the first character beyond the selection.
;							The start value is the anchor point of the selection, and the end value is the active end.
;							If the user uses the SHIFT key to adjust the size of the selection, the active end can move but the anchor point remains the same.
;							If the $i_start is 0 and the $i_end is –1, all the text in the edit control is selected.
;							If the $i_start is –1, any current selection is deselected.
;							The control displays a flashing caret at the $i_end position regardless of the relative values of $i_start and $i_end.
Func RichText_SetSel($h_RichEdit, $i_start, $i_end)
;~ 	If Not _IsClassName ($h_RichEdit, "Edit") Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, 0)
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	_SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_SETSEL, $i_start, $i_end)
	_SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_HIDESELECTION, 0)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditSetSel

; Description:			_GUICtrlRichEditGetLineCount
; Parameter(s):		$h_RichEdit - controlID
; Requirement:			None
; Return Value(s):	The return value is an integer specifying the total number of text lines in the multiline edit control.
; User CallTip:		_GUICtrlRichEditGetLineCount($h_RichEdit) Retrieves the number of lines in a multiline edit control. (required: <GuiRichEdit.au3>)
; Author(s):			Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s):				If the control has no text, the return value is 1.
;							The return value will never be less than 1.
;							The _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount retrieves the total number of text lines,
;							not just the number of lines that are currently visible.
;							If the Wordwrap feature is enabled, the number of lines can change when the dimensions of the editing window change.
Func RichText_GetLineCount($h_RichEdit)
;~ 	If Not _IsClassName ($h_RichEdit, "Edit") Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Return _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_GETLINECOUNT)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditGetLineCount

Func RichText_GetLenght($hWnd)
    $TStr = DllStructCreate("int Flags; int charset")

    Return _SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, DllStructGetPtr($TStr), 0)

Func RichText_GetFirstVisibleLine($hWnd)
	Return _SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE)

Func RichText_PosFromChar($hWnd, $iIndex)
	Local $aCoord[2], $iResult
	$iResult = _SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_POSFROMCHAR, $iIndex)
	$aCoord[0] = _WinAPI_LoWord($iResult)
	$aCoord[1] = _WinAPI_HiWord($iResult)
	Return $aCoord

; Description:			_GUICtrlRichEditLineIndex
; Parameter(s):		$h_RichEdit - controlID
;							$i_line - Optional: Specifies the zero-based line number.
;										A value of –1 specifies the current line number (the line that contains the caret).
; Requirement:			None
; Return Value(s):	The return value is the character index of the line specified in the wParam parameter,
;							or it is $EC_ERR if the specified line number is greater than the number of lines in the edit control.
; User CallTip:		_GUICtrlRichEditLineIndex($h_RichEdit[, $i_line = -1]) Retrieves the character index of the first character of a specified line in a multiline edit control. (required: <GuiRichEdit.au3>)
; Author(s):			Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s):
Func RichText_LineIndex($h_RichEdit, $i_line = -1)
;~ 	If Not _IsClassName ($h_RichEdit, "Edit") Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Return _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_LINEINDEX, $i_line)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditLineIndex

; Description:			_GUICtrlRichEditLineLength
; Parameter(s):		$h_RichEdit - controlID
;							$i_index - Optional: Specifies the character index of a character in the line whose length is to be retrieved.
; Requirement:			None
; Return Value(s):	For multiline edit controls, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the line specified by the $i_index parameter.
;							For single-line edit controls, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the text in the edit control.
; User CallTip:		_GUICtrlRichEditLineLength($h_RichEdit[, $i_index = -1]) Retrieves the length, in characters, of a line in an edit control. (required: <GuiRichEdit.au3>)
; Author(s):			Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s):				$i_index
;								For ANSI text, this is the number of bytes
;								For Unicode text, this is the number of characters.
;								It does not include the carriage-return character at the end of the line.
;								If $i_index is greater than the number of characters in the control, the return value is zero.
Func RichText_LineLength($h_RichEdit, $iIndex = -1)
;~ 	If Not _IsClassName ($h_RichEdit, "Edit") Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
	Local $CharIndex = _GUICtrlEdit_LineIndex($h_RichEdit, $iIndex)
	Return _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_LINELENGTH, $CharIndex)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditLineLength

;~ Func _GUICtrlRichEditSetZoom(ByRef $h_RichEdit, $nominator = 0, $denominator = 0)
;~ 	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
;~ 	Local $lResult = _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_SETZOOM, $nominator, $denominator)
;~ 	If Not @error Then
;~ 		Return $lResult
;~ 	Else
;~ 		Return SetError(1,1,0)
;~ 	EndIf
;~ EndFunc   ;==>_GuiCtrlRichEditSetZoom

;~ Func _GUICtrlRichEditGetZoom(ByRef $h_RichEdit)
;~ 	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
;~ 	Local $lResult = _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_GETZOOM, 0, 0, -1)
;~ 	If Not @error Then
;~ 		Return $lResult[3] & "|" & $lResult[4]
;~ 	Else
;~ 		SetError(1)
;~ 	EndIf
;~ 	Return 0
;~ EndFunc   ;==>_GuiCtrlRichEditSetZoom

Func RichText_Limit($hWnd, $hLimitTo)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_LIMITTEXT, $hLimitTo, 0)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_LimitText

Func RichText_BkColor($hWnd, $iColor)
	_SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, $iColor)

Func RichText_HideSelection($hWnd, $iState=True)
	Return _SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_HIDESELECTION, $iState,0)

; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Select the Background text color
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hMin         - Color value
;              $hMax         - Color entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetBkColor($hWnd, $hColor, $iSelec = True)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "cbSize", dllstructgetsize ($tcharformat))
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_BACKCOLOR)
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "crBackColor", $hColor)
    $pCHARFORMAT = dllstructgetptr ($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetBkColor
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Toggle the Bold effect
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hFontName    - Name of the Font
;              $iSelec       - Modify entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetBold($hWnd, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "cbSize", dllstructgetsize ($tcharformat))
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_BOLD)
    If $hBold Then
        dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", $CFE_BOLD)
        dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", 0)
    $pCHARFORMAT = dllstructgetptr ($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetBold
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Select the text color
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hMin         - Color value
;              $hMax         - Color entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetColor($hWnd, $hColor, $iSelec = True)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "cbSize", dllstructgetsize ($tcharformat))
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_COLOR)
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "crTextColor", $hColor)
    $pCHARFORMAT = dllstructgetptr ($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetColor
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Set the text font size
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hMin         - Color value
;              $hMax         - Color entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: grham, edited by Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetFontSize($hWnd, $Size , $iSelec = True)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "cbSize", DllStructGetSize ($tcharformat))
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_SIZE)
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "yHeight", $Size*20)
    $pCHARFORMAT = DllStructGetPtr($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Set the text striked out
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hMin         - Color value
;              $hMax         - Color entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: grham, edited by Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetStrikeOut($hWnd, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    DllStructSetData ($tcharformat, "cbSize", DllStructGetSize($tcharformat))
    DllStructSetData($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_STRIKEOUT)
    If $hBold Then
        DllStructSetData ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", $CFE_STRIKEOUT)
        DllStructSetData ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", 0)
    $pCHARFORMAT = DllStructGetPtr($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: The EM_SETEVENTMASK message sets the event mask for a rich edit control.
;           The event mask specifies which notification messages the control sends to its parent window
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func  RichText_SetEventMask($hWnd, $hFunction)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, $hFunction)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetEventMask
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Select the Font Name
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hColor       - Name of the Font
;              $hSelec       - Modify entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetFont($hWnd, $hFontName, $iSelec = True)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "cbSize", dllstructgetsize ($tcharformat))
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_FACE)
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "szFaceName", $hFontName)
    $pCHARFORMAT = dllstructgetptr ($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetFontName
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Toggle the Italic effect
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hFontName    - Name of the Font
;              $iSelec       - Modify entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetItalic($hWnd, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "cbSize", dllstructgetsize ($tcharformat))
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_ITALIC)
    If $hBold Then
        dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", $CFE_ITALIC)
        dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", 0)
    $pCHARFORMAT = dllstructgetptr ($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetItalic
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Set the control in ReadOnly Mode
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hBool        - True = Enabled, False = Disabled
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetReadOnly($hWnd, $hBool = True)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETREADONLY, $hBool, 0)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetReadOnly
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Toggle the Underline effect
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hFontName    - Name of the Font
;              $iSelec       - Modify entire text or selection (default)
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_SetUnderline($hWnd, $hBold = False, $iSelec = 0x01)
    Local $tcharformat, $pCHARFORMAT
    $tcharformat = _tagCHARFORMAT2()
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "cbSize", dllstructgetsize ($tcharformat))
    dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwMask", $CFM_UNDERLINE)
    If $hBold Then
        dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", $CFE_UNDERLINE)
        dllstructsetdata ($tcharformat, "dwEffects", 0)
    $pCHARFORMAT = dllstructgetptr ($tcharformat)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $iSelec, $pCHARFORMAT)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_SetUnderline
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: Undo
; Parameters ...: $hWnd         - Handle to the control
;           $hMin         - Character Number start
;              $hMax         - Character Number stop
; Return values : True on success, otherwise False
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func RichText_Undo($hWnd)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_UNDO, 0, 0)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_Undo

Func RichText_Redo($hWnd)
    Return _SendMessage ($hWnd, $EM_REDO, 0, 0)
EndFunc   ;==>_RichEdit_Undo

func RichText_PauseRedraw($hWnd)
	Return _SendMessage($hWnd, $WM_SETREDRAW, false, 0)

func RichText_ResumeRedraw($hWnd)
	_SendMessage($hWnd, $WM_SETREDRAW, true, 0)
	return _WinAPI_InvalidateRect($hWnd)

Func RichText_SetTabStops($hWnd, $aTabStops)
	Local $iNumTabStops, $tTabStops, $sTabStops, $iResult
	If IsArray($aTabStops) Then ; Set every tabstop manually
		$iNumTabStops = UBound($aTabStops)
		For $x = 0 To $iNumTabStops - 1
			$sTabStops &= "int;"
		$sTabStops = StringTrimRight($sTabStops, 1)
		$tTabStops = DllStructCreate($sTabStops)
		For $x = 0 To $iNumTabStops - 1
			DllStructSetData($tTabStops, $x + 1, $aTabStops[$x])
	Else ; Set 1 value for all tabstops
		$tTabStops = DllStructCreate("int")
		DllStructSetData($tTabStops, 1, $aTabStops)
		$iNumTabStops = 1
	$iResult = _SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_SETTABSTOPS, $iNumTabStops, DllStructGetPtr($tTabStops), 0, "wparam", "ptr") <> 0
	Return $iResult
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlEdit_SetTabStops

; ====================================================================================================

; *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Structures  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
; ====================================================================================================

; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: (specifies a range of characters in a rich edit control)
; Parameters ...: $pPointer     - If supplied, the structure will be mapped over this pointer
; Return values : Array formatted as follows:
;                   $aTag[0] - Tag prefix identifier
;                   $aTag[1] - Tag structure
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func __tagCHARRANGE()
    Return DllStructCreate("long cpMin;long cpMax ")
EndFunc   ;==>__tagCHARRANGE
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: (contains information about a search operation in a rich edit control)
; Parameters ...: $pPointer     - If supplied, the structure will be mapped over this pointer
; Return values : Array formatted as follows:
;                   $aTag[0] - Tag prefix identifier
;                   $aTag[1] - Tag structure
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func __tagFINDTEXT()
    Return DllStructCreate("ptr CHARRANGE;str lpstrText")
EndFunc   ;==>__tagFINDTEXT
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: (contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control)
; Parameters ...: $pPointer     - If supplied, the structure will be mapped over this pointer
; Return values : Array formatted as follows:
;                   $aTag[0] - Tag prefix identifier
;                   $aTag[1] - Tag structure
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func _tagCHARFORMAT2($pPointer = 0)
    ;Global Const $tagCHARFORMAT2 = "uint;int;dword;long;long;dword;byte;byte;char[32];short;short;long;long;long;short;short;byte;byte;byte;byte"
    Return DllStructCreate ("uint cbSize;int dwMask;dword dwEffects;long yHeight;long yOffset;uint crTextColor;" _
     & "byte bCharSet;byte bPitchAndFamily;char szFaceName[32];ushort wWeight;short sSpacing;uint crBackColor;uint lcid;dword dwReserved;short sStyle;ushort wKerning" _
             & ";byte bUnderlineType;byte bAnimation;byte bRevAuthor;byte bReserved1")
EndFunc   ;==>_tagCHARFORMAT2
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: (Size, Flags, hCursor, X, Y)
; Parameters ...: $pPointer     - If supplied, the structure will be mapped over this pointer
; Return values : Array formatted as follows:
;                   $aTag[0] - Tag prefix identifier
;                   $aTag[1] - Tag structure
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func _tagLOGFONT($pPointer = 0)
    Return DllStructCreate ($tagLOGFONT)
    ;Local $aTag[2] = ["tagLOGFONT_", __tagStruct ($sStruct, $pPointer) ]
    ;Return __tagBuild ($aTag, "lfHeight, lfWidth, lfEscapement, lfOrientation, lfWeight, lfItalic, " & _
    ;      "lfUnderline, lfStrikeOut, lfCharset, lfOutPrecision, lfClipPrecision, lfQuality, lfPitchAndFamily, lfFaceName")
EndFunc   ;==>_tagLOGFONT
; ====================================================================================================

; Description ..: (Size, Flags, hCursor, X, Y)
; Parameters ...: $pPointer     - If supplied, the structure will be mapped over this pointer
; Return values : Array formatted as follows:
;                   $aTag[0] - Tag prefix identifier
;                   $aTag[1] - Tag structure
; Author .......: Yoan Roblet (Arcker)
; Notes ........:
; ====================================================================================================

Func __tagTEXTRANGE($pPointer = 0)
  Return DllStructCreate ("long Min;long Max;ptr Text")
  ;Local $aTag[2] = ["tagTEXTRANGE_", __tagStruct ($sStruct, $pPointer) ]
  ;Return __tagBuild ($aTag, "Min, Max, Text")

Func RichText_SetFormat(ByRef $h_RichEdit, $dwMask, $yHeight = 8, $yOffset = 0, _
		$crTextColor = 16711680, $bCharSet = 0, $bPitchAndFamily = 0, $szFaceName = "Sans Serif", _
		$wWeight = 400, $crBackColor = -1, $Underline = 0, $bUnderlineType = 0)
	If Not IsHWnd($h_RichEdit) Then $h_RichEdit = HWnd($h_RichEdit)
	Local $charformat_struct, $lResult, $Format, $dwEffects, $a_sel

;~ The bCharSet member is valid.
	$dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_CHARSET)
	If $bCharSet = 0 Then $bCharSet = $DEFAULT_CHARSET
	If $bPitchAndFamily = 0 Then $bPitchAndFamily = BitOR($DEFAULT_PITCH, $FF_DONTCARE)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_ALLCAPS) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_ALLCAPS)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_BOLD) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_BOLD)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_DISABLED) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_DISABLED)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_EMBOSS) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_EMBOSS)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_HIDDEN) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_HIDDEN)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_IMPRINT) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_IMPRINT)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_ITALIC) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_ITALIC)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_LINK) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_LINK)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_OUTLINE) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_OUTLINE)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_PROTECTED) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_PROTECTED)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_REVISED) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_REVISED)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_SHADOW) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_SHADOW)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_SMALLCAPS) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_SMALLCAPS)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_STRIKEOUT) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_STRIKEOUT)
;~ 	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_SUBSCRIPT) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_SUBSCRIPT)
;~ 	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_SUPERSCRIPT) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_SUPERSCRIPT)
	If _IsBit($dwMask, $CFM_UNDERLINE) Then $dwEffects = BitOR($dwEffects, $CFE_UNDERLINE)

	If $crBackColor <> -1 Then $dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_BACKCOLOR)
;~ The crTextColor member is valid unless the CFE_AUTOCOLOR flag is set in the dwEffects member.
	$dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_COLOR)
;~ The szFaceName member is valid.
	$dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_FACE)
;~ The yOffset member is valid.
	$dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_OFFSET)
;~ The yHeight member is valid.
	$dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_SIZE)
;~ The bUnderlineType member is valid.
	$dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_UNDERLINETYPE)
;~ The wWeight member is valid.
	$dwMask = BitOR($dwMask, $CFM_WEIGHT)

	$a_sel = RichText_GetSel($h_RichEdit)
	If $a_sel[1] = $a_sel[2] Then
		$Format = $SCF_ALL
		$Format = $SCF_SELECTION
	$charformat_struct = DllStructCreate($charformat2_fmt)

	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 1, DllStructGetSize($charformat_struct))
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 2, $dwMask)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 3, $dwEffects)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 4, $yHeight)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 5, $yOffset)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 6, $crTextColor)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 7, $bCharSet)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 8, $bPitchAndFamily)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 9, $szFaceName)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 10, $wWeight)
	If $crBackColor <> -1 Then DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 12, $crBackColor)
	DllStructSetData($charformat_struct, 17, $bUnderlineType)
	$lResult = _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_SETCHARFORMAT, $Format, DllStructGetPtr($charformat_struct), 0, "int", "ptr")
	If @error Or $lResult = 0 Then
		Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, $EC_ERR)
		Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEditSetFormat

Func _IsBit($dwMask, $bit_check)
	If BitAND($dwMask, $bit_check) = $bit_check Then Return 1
	Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_IsBit
No soy un hombre de plegarias, pero si estás en el cielo sálvame por favor Superman!
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Mensajes: 247
Registrado: 17 Jul 2007, 18:27

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por Rupert.25 »

Gracias por tu respuesta nahuel. jaja me dio flojera copiar y pegar la libreria del enlace 2 que le puse.
Solo le puse mas opciones con ejemplos.

te agradezco por todo.
Mensajes: 22
Registrado: 02 Abr 2008, 23:41

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por N4THAN1EL »

Muchas gracias, funciona perfectamente :smt003
Mensajes: 22
Registrado: 02 Abr 2008, 23:41

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por N4THAN1EL »

Para reemplazar una palabra en todo el texto de color negro a otro color?

RichText_SetColor($hRichText, $hColor, $iSelec = True)

Está función convierte todo el Objeto al color. En este móduloni en el _GUICtrlEdit he encontrado ninguna función para poder convertir tan solo x palabra
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Hacker del Foro
Mensajes: 194
Registrado: 27 Jun 2007, 23:32
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por Nahuel »

Debes estár pasando mal los parámetros. El último parámetro es $iSelec. si le pasás True colorea sólo la selección, pero si le pasás False colorea todo el texto.


Código: Seleccionar todo

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

$GUI = GUICreate("Hola", 700, 500)

$hRichText = RichText_Create($GUI, 0, 0, 700, 475)
RichText_InsertText($hRichText, "Seleccioná parte de este texto y ponele el formato que quieras.")
$btnNegrita = GUICtrlCreateButton("Negrita",0,475,233,25)
$btnCursiva = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cursiva",233,475,233,25)
$btnColor = GUICtrlCreateButton("Color",466,475,233,25)

;RichText_SetColor($hRichText, 0x0000FF, True); True = colorize selection, False = colorize all.  !!! Color codes is BGR !!!

While 1
	Switch GUIGetMsg()
		Case $btnNegrita
		Case $btnCursiva
		Case $btnColor
			$color = _ChooseColor(1,0,1,$GUI)
			If @error Then ContinueLoop
			RichText_SetColor($hRichText, $color, True)
No soy un hombre de plegarias, pero si estás en el cielo sálvame por favor Superman!
Mensajes: 22
Registrado: 02 Abr 2008, 23:41

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por N4THAN1EL »

No me he explicado bien lo siento, estoy haciendo un editor para Python a lo estilo Notepad++, gedit de Linux, el Script Editor de Autoit. Es decir que coloree algunos parámetros tipo print "Hola Mundo"
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Hacker del Foro
Mensajes: 194
Registrado: 27 Jun 2007, 23:32
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por Nahuel »

Pues este ejemplo te podría ayudar. Resalta con negrita cada vez que escribes autoit. No funciona muy bien, necesita algo de depuración. Pero de eso te encargás vos :)

Código: Seleccionar todo

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

Global $TextoViejo = ""
Global $Ocurr = 1

$GUI = GUICreate("Hola", 700, 500)

$hRichText = RichText_Create($GUI, 0, 0, 700, 500)



While 1
	Switch GUIGetMsg()

Func _ResaltarAutoIt()
	$Texto = RichText_GetText($hRichText)
	If $Texto = $TextoViejo Then Return
	$pos = StringInStr($Texto,"AutoIt",0,$Ocurr)
	If $pos = 0 Then Return
	RichText_SetSel($hRichText,$pos-1,$pos -1 + StringLen("AutoIt"))
	RichText_SetSel($hRichText,$pos  + StringLen("AutoIt"),$pos + StringLen("AutoIt"))
No soy un hombre de plegarias, pero si estás en el cielo sálvame por favor Superman!
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Profesional del Autoit
Mensajes: 2035
Registrado: 21 Feb 2008, 18:42
Ubicación: Albacete/Cuenca (España)

Re: ¿Evento para el texto seleccionado?

Mensaje por Chefito »

Mmmmm....está muy bien esa librería. Ya la conocía.

Pero un pequeño apunte. Recordar que la ayuda suele ser la salvadora de todos.
Pues fijaros en el ejemplo de la función GUICtrlCreateEdit (el cual lleva mucho tiempo allí :smt016 ). Ahí hay un pequeño código que trata directamente el control (objeto). Con sus propiedades, métodos y demás. Como me recuerda al vb6.......... :smt005 .
En el ejemplo cambia el tamaño del texto que seleccionas.

Lo digo para que lo sepais quien no lo sepa :smt016 .

Cita vista en algún lugar de la red: En este mundo hay 10 tipos de personas, los que saben binario y los que no ;).