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wp-automatic-backup (Wordpress Duplicator)

Publicado: 07 Dic 2012, 22:02
por BasicOs
Es una copia de seguridad en paralelo para quien tenga varios o muchos sitios Word press.
English. Next post.
1.- Abre la página Wordpress con nuestro usuario
2.- Ejecuta la copia de seguridad (duplicator) tanto de la base de datos como de todos los ficheros. Incluido un auto-restaurador.
3.- Cada vez lo guarda en dos ficheros en nuestro disco duro.

Al restaurar la copia, la página de Wordpress volverá a funcionar en otro servidor o en nuestro mismo pc en local (localhost), en unos pocos minutos.

Es una protección antes de que mueran sus páginas en wordpress, o que simplemente el servidor se pare o tenga problemas, o incluso un virus de inyección de sql, etc..

En el programador de tareas del sistema podemos programar wp-automatic-backup

Que obtenemos en la copia:
TODO FULL. Varias copias independientes por fechas de la copia. El sitio wordpress completo trabajando como siempre, en el mismo o nuevo dominio. Con los ficheros, widgets, settings, options, data, plugins, themes activos y vivos . Tambien images, posts, comments, páginas and contenido.

Son dos Ficheros por cada copia : install.php (restaurador) y otro package.zip (los datos y todos los ficheros.)

¿Como funciona?
Es portable, con lo que no instala nada en el disco duro solo unzip.

1.- Instalar en cada página de wordpress, en plugins, el Duplicator de Cory Lamle
2.- Indicar con el notepad en el wp-domainlist.csv. Una linea por página en el siguiente formato:
3.- Ejecutar el Wp-automatic-Backup.exe
4.- Se hacen las copias en paralelo de varios sitios. Se mostrará la carpeta con los ficheros de copia de seguridad

Descargar fichero zip 40 megas en cualquier sitio (e.g. Dropbox)

El fichero zip incluye el Firefox Portable pre-configurado. El plugin Duplicator WP es lo único que hay que instalar.
Windows y funciona bien en Mac-Linux-Checked-Ok (con Wine)

PD: Este programa está hecho en colaboración con Cory. Incluyo el texto inglés
16.12.12 Actualización del fichero ZIP. Código mejorado, optimizado, mejoras y avisos de cada proceso. Aumentado el timeout recomendado a 100 seg aprox. según duración de procesos..

Servicio de Duplicación aquí. DUPLICA ahora desde 20€:

Re: wp-automatic-backup (Wordpress Duplicator)

Publicado: 07 Dic 2012, 22:03
por BasicOs
This app is a FULL COMPLETE backup for those who have one or many Word press sites and want something straightforward.
Are you running many sites / multisite in WordPress?
Worpress Multisite backup into your OWN Hard-drive under your control. Ready to be restored and functioning in minutes.

COMPLETE means ALL: BOTH database and ALL 100% files of all kind (images, txt, php, zip, etc...).You get your entire wordpress website working as usual in a new or same domain, with all files, widgets, settings, options, data, plugins, themes active and alive. Also images, posts, comments, pages and content.
Regularly backing up your Wordpress files is crucial in this online-world where everthing may potentially be hacked or disturbed.

Wordpress is a php-based program that if not updated, it may be vulnerable. Several of my clients have had their Wordpress attacked by Malware.

I had a backup strategy for them, and we got Wordpress files and databases in a safe harddisk-backup.

In these cases, we had the hosting company delete the infected Wordpress files, and then we were able to replace the blogs and sites with the backed-up versions.

Most hosting companies provide backups, but it's also an excellent strategy to keep backup copies of the entire sites and the corresponding database in your own computer you can touch and see it is there, and not only in the cloud.

The WPA Backup app is free and can be easily installed ONLY by decompressing/extract provided zip download file, and running wpa Backup.exe file, (e.g.:in your dropbox folder). You should create or modify wp-domainlist.csv (a Wp sites list txt file) with notepad, erasing sample sites.
Replicate and copy any WP site. You can create different lists of your sites. You can also use a default list to backup for applying different backup policies groups. If you LOSE your sites, everything will be set up back the way you want it to be. It will copy all data, posts, pages, tags, categories, plugin options, theme options, configs and more – including custom menus, custom post types and taxonomies – duplicating a blog into its new recovered site, in the same or different hosting provider.

Backup - Duplicate one site to a new site in the same or different Hosting
Copies widgets, theme & plugin inc. settings
You Can use them also as template site for new sites to be created from
Saves a huge amount of resources and setup time!
This is a backup&restore app. It will transfer sites from one install to another. It will copy a site from one host to another. New sites have all the same settings.

it will copy the main site
comments are copied
users are copied
settings/images for themes using backup properly
What is Wpa Backup doing:
1.- It First it opens your target Word Press page with your provided user (in wp-domainlist.csv).
2.- It runs backup duplicator engine for performing a complete backup.
3.- It does it for every provided target/s WP page/s.

You will see what WPA Backup is doing, and you will see the backup files. Each site with its own named compressed zip file.

Do not worry about server problems, or even a virus sql injection, etc. .. As you have all daily/weekly backups and you can check your last good copy. You may schedule wp-automatic-backup

If you get into problems, Wordpress page/s will be restored on same or another server, in a few minutes. You will not install WP AGAIN neither.

There are two files saved in your hard drive, for every backup set: xxdatexxinstall.php (restore trigger) and another xxdatexxSITE_NAMEpackage.zip (all data and files.)
A packed ZIP and a self-restoring procedure install.php.

How does it work?
It's portable, so you do not to install anything on your hard drive, just unzip.The zip file includes already pre-configured Firefox Portable. (Duplicator Wp Plugin Is the only app you need to install (wordpress plugin) ).
Works with Mac-Linux-Checked-Ok (Wine)

Set up:
1. - Install Duplicator wordpress plugin on every target site.
2. - Notepad wp-domainlist.csv your site login data:
One line per site in the following format (see samples inside):
http://www.miwebwordpress.com, usuariologin, password, seconds to timeout (huge sites longer)
http://www.wordpress.com/blog, John, 123456,20
Run Backup:
Now you are ready. Run Wp-automatic-Backup.exe every time you want a backup of the site/s.
It will display a folder containing the zipped backup set files.
Download ZIP file (40 Mb) Unzip where you want, eg Dropbox..

This program is done in collaboration with Cory Lamle of WP Duplicator plugin http://lifeinthegrid.com.

REMEMBER your RESPONSABILITY to check the good quality and heatlh of your backup copies and you should check they are providing the desired quality you want. It is not only making a BACKUP, it is also checking the reliability of them (as emerge problems by hard-disk failure, network, malware inside, bad formats, etc.. which prevent an accurate copy). We can check it if for you if you wish. Send me a Personal message for answers.
Our WPA Backup makes new files for every backup set, so that you can check previous days.
Salu22 :)

Updated:16 dec 2012. Improved, more info, engine test.

Duplicating service here. DUPLICATE NOW for 20€:

Re: wp-automatic-backup (Wordpress Duplicator)

Publicado: 08 Abr 2013, 07:15
por Rupert.25
Lo probaré ahora mismo con unas págians de Wordpress que tengo. Muchas gracias de antemano, excelente trabajo. Un rato mas o mañana posteo resultados.