Código: Seleccionar todo
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include <String.au3>
Local $cadena='1 cualquier cosa "texto texto"; 2 asdsdsd "texto texto texto"; 3 1212jhjjh "texto";'
Local $aArray = _StringBetween($cadena,'"','"',1,1) ;Extraemos las cadenas que se encuentran entre comillas
_ArrayDisplay($aArray) ;Esto es solo para ver el contenido de $aArray
_ArrayToXLS($aArray, @ScriptDir & '\test1.xls')
ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & '\test1.xls')
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _ArrayToXLS
; Description ...: Places the elements of an 1D or 2D array into an Excel file (XLS).
; Syntax.........: _ArrayToXLS(Const ByRef $avArray, $sFileName[, $Transpose = False[, $iStartRow = 0[, $iEndRow = 0[, $iStartCol = 0[, $iEndCol = 0]]]]])
; Parameters ....: $avArray - Array to save
; $sFileName - Full path to XLS file
; $Transpose - [optional] At 2D array changes rows and columns
; $iStartRow - [optional] Zero based index (row) of array to start saving at
; $iEndRow - [optional] Zero based index (row) of array to stop saving at, if zero then last row is taken
; $iStartCol - [optional] Zero based index (column) of array to start saving at
; $iEndCol - [optional] Zero based index (column) of array to stop saving at, if zero then last column is taken
; Return values .: Success - 1
; Failure - 0, sets @error:
; |1 - $avArray is not an array
; |2 - $avArray is not 1D/2D array
; |3 - $iStartRow is greater than $iEndRow
; |4 - $iStartCol is greater than $iEndCol
; |5 - couldn't create XLS file
; Author ........: Zedna
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: Function supports 1D and 2D arrays. All array's data are converted to String datatype.
; This function doesn't depend on installed Microsoft Excel.
; Related .......: _ArrayToString, _ArrayToClip
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _ArrayToXLS(Const ByRef $avArray, $FileName, $Transpose = False, $iStartRow = 0, $iEndRow = 0, $iStartCol = 0, $iEndCol = 0)
Local $nBytes
If Not IsArray($avArray) Then SetError(1, 0, 0)
$iDimension = UBound($avArray, 0)
If $iDimension > 2 Then SetError(2, 0, 0)
$iUBound1 = UBound($avArray, 1) - 1
If $iEndRow < 1 Or $iEndRow > $iUBound1 Then $iEndRow = $iUBound1
If $iStartRow < 0 Then $iStartRow = 0
If $iStartRow > $iEndRow Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
If $iDimension = 2 Then
$iUBound2 = UBound($avArray, 2) - 1
If $iEndCol < 1 Or $iEndCol > $iUBound2 Then $iEndCol = $iUBound2
If $iStartCol < 0 Then $iStartCol = 0
If $iStartCol > $iEndCol Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0)
$hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName, 1)
If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0)
$str_bof = DllStructCreate('short;short;short;short;short;short')
DllStructSetData($str_bof, 1, 0x809)
DllStructSetData($str_bof, 2, 0x8)
DllStructSetData($str_bof, 3, 0x0)
DllStructSetData($str_bof, 4, 0x10)
DllStructSetData($str_bof, 5, 0x0)
DllStructSetData($str_bof, 6, 0x0)
_WinAPI_WriteFile($hFile, DLLStructGetPtr($str_bof), DllStructGetSize($str_bof), $nBytes)
Switch $iDimension
Case 1 ; 1D array
For $i = $iStartRow To $iEndRow ; 0 To $iUBound1
If $Transpose Then
__XLSWriteCell($hFile, 0, $i - $iStartRow, $avArray[$i])
__XLSWriteCell($hFile, $i - $iStartRow, 0, $avArray[$i])
Case 2 ; 2D array
For $i = $iStartRow To $iEndRow ; 0 To $iUBound1
For $j = $iStartCol To $iEndCol ; 0 To $iUBound2
If $Transpose Then
__XLSWriteCell($hFile, $j - $iStartCol, $i - $iStartRow, $avArray[$i][$j])
__XLSWriteCell($hFile, $i - $iStartRow, $j - $iStartCol, $avArray[$i][$j])
$str_eof = DllStructCreate('short;short')
DllStructSetData($str_eof, 1, 0x0A)
DllStructSetData($str_eof, 2, 0x0)
_WinAPI_WriteFile($hFile, DLLStructGetPtr($str_eof), DllStructGetSize($str_eof), $nBytes)
Return 1
EndFunc ; ==> _ArrayToXLS
; internal helper function for _ArrayToXLS()
Func __XLSWriteCell($hFile, $Row, $Col, $Value)
Local $nBytes
$Value = String($Value)
$Len = StringLen($Value)
$str_cell = DllStructCreate('short;short;short;short;short;short')
DllStructSetData($str_cell, 1, 0x204)
DllStructSetData($str_cell, 2, 8 + $Len)
DllStructSetData($str_cell, 3, $Row)
DllStructSetData($str_cell, 4, $Col)
DllStructSetData($str_cell, 5, 0x0)
DllStructSetData($str_cell, 6, $Len)
_WinAPI_WriteFile($hFile, DLLStructGetPtr($str_cell), DllStructGetSize($str_cell), $nBytes)
$tBuffer = DLLStructCreate("byte[" & $Len & "]")
DLLStructSetData($tBuffer, 1, $Value)
_WinAPI_WriteFile($hFile, DLLStructGetPtr($tBuffer), $Len, $nBytes)
EndFunc ; ==> __XLSWriteCell