Para meter varios archivos de sonido en un solo archivo exe de autoit lo debes hacer de la siguiente manera:
Como ves es bastante sencillo, esto es válido para cualquier clase de archivos, ya sean imágenes, sonidos, otros exes, dlls, etc...
Si te fijas en el código, te hace falta un archivo llamado "resources.au3" en el include. Si no encuentras el archivo, te pongo aquí abajo el código del mismo.
Código: Seleccionar todo
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
#include <Memory.au3>
Global Const $RT_CURSOR = 1
Global Const $RT_BITMAP = 2
Global Const $RT_ICON = 3
Global Const $RT_MENU = 4
Global Const $RT_DIALOG = 5
Global Const $RT_STRING = 6
Global Const $RT_FONTDIR = 7
Global Const $RT_FONT = 8
Global Const $RT_ACCELERATOR = 9
Global Const $RT_RCDATA = 10
Global Const $RT_MESSAGETABLE = 11
Global Const $RT_GROUP_CURSOR = 12
Global Const $RT_GROUP_ICON = 14
Global Const $RT_VERSION = 16
Global Const $RT_DLGINCLUDE = 17
Global Const $RT_PLUGPLAY = 19
Global Const $RT_VXD = 20
Global Const $RT_ANICURSOR = 21
Global Const $RT_ANIICON = 22
Global Const $RT_HTML = 23
Global Const $RT_MANIFEST = 24
Global Const $SND_RESOURCE = 0x00040004
Global Const $SND_SYNC = 0x0
Global Const $SND_ASYNC = 0x1
Global Const $SND_MEMORY = 0x4
Global Const $SND_LOOP = 0x8
Global Const $SND_NOSTOP = 0x10
Global Const $SND_NOWAIT = 0x2000
Global Const $SND_PURGE = 0x40
Func _ResourceGet($ResName, $ResType = 10, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
Local Const $IMAGE_BITMAP = 0
Local $hInstance, $hBitmap, $InfoBlock, $GlobalMemoryBlock, $MemoryPointer, $ResSize
If $DLL = -1 Then
$hInstance = _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle("")
$hInstance = _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx($DLL, $LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
If $hInstance = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
If $ResType = $RT_BITMAP Then
$hBitmap = _WinAPI_LoadImage($hInstance, $ResName, $IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, 0)
If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
Return $hBitmap ; returns handle to Bitmap
If $ResLang <> 0 Then
$InfoBlock = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "FindResourceExW", "ptr", $hInstance, "long", $ResType, "wstr", $ResName, "short", $ResLang)
$InfoBlock = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "FindResourceW", "ptr", $hInstance, "wstr", $ResName, "long", $ResType)
If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
$InfoBlock = $InfoBlock[0]
If $InfoBlock = 0 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0)
$ResSize = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "dword", "SizeofResource", "ptr", $hInstance, "ptr", $InfoBlock)
If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0)
$ResSize = $ResSize[0]
If $ResSize = 0 Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0)
$GlobalMemoryBlock = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "LoadResource", "ptr", $hInstance, "ptr", $InfoBlock)
If @error Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0)
$GlobalMemoryBlock = $GlobalMemoryBlock[0]
If $GlobalMemoryBlock = 0 Then Return SetError(8, 0, 0)
$MemoryPointer = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "LockResource", "ptr", $GlobalMemoryBlock)
If @error Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0)
$MemoryPointer = $MemoryPointer[0]
If $MemoryPointer = 0 Then Return SetError(10, 0, 0)
If $DLL <> -1 Then _WinAPI_FreeLibrary($hInstance)
If @error Then Return SetError(11, 0, 0)
Return $MemoryPointer
; for ANSI strings
Func _ResourceGetAsString($ResName, $ResType = 10, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
Local $ResPointer, $ResSize, $struct
$ResPointer = _ResourceGet($ResName, $ResType, $ResLang, $DLL)
If @error Then
SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return ''
$ResSize = @extended
$struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & $ResSize & "]", $ResPointer)
Return DllStructGetData($struct, 1) ; returns string
; for Unicode strings (Widechar)
Func _ResourceGetAsStringW($ResName, $ResType = 10, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
Local $ResPointer, $ResSize, $struct
$ResPointer = _ResourceGet($ResName, $ResType, $ResLang, $DLL)
If @error Then
SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return ''
$ResSize = @extended
$struct = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $ResSize & "]", $ResPointer)
Return DllStructGetData($struct, 1) ; returns string
; _ResourceGetAsBytes() doesn't work for RT_BITMAP type
; because _ResourceGet() returns hBitmap instead of memory pointer in this case
Func _ResourceGetAsBytes($ResName, $ResType = 10, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
Local $ResPointer, $ResSize
$ResPointer = _ResourceGet($ResName, $ResType, $ResLang, $DLL)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$ResSize = @extended
Return DllStructCreate("byte[" & $ResSize & "]", $ResPointer) ; returns struct with bytes
; returned hImage can be used in many GDI+ functions:
; $width = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth ($hImage)
; $height = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage)
Func _ResourceGetAsImage($ResName, $ResType = 10, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
Local $ResData, $nSize, $hData, $pData, $pStream, $pBitmap, $hBitmap
$ResData = _ResourceGet($ResName, $ResType, 0, $DLL)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$nSize = @extended
If $ResType = $RT_BITMAP Then
; $ResData is hBitmap type
$hImage = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($ResData)
; $ResData is memory pointer
; thanks ProgAndy
$hData = _MemGlobalAlloc($nSize,2)
$pData = _MemGlobalLock($hData)
$pStream = DllCall( "ole32.dll","int","CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr",$hData, "int",1, "ptr*",0)
$pStream = $pStream[3]
;$hImage = DllCall($ghGDIPDll,"int","GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr",$pStream, "ptr*",0)
$hImage = $hImage[2]
; next line must be commented otherwise animated GIFs will not work
;~ _MemGlobalFree($hData)
Return $hImage ; hImage type
Func _ResourceGetAsBitmap($ResName, $ResType = 10, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
$hImage = _ResourceGetAsImage($ResName, $ResType, $DLL)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hImage)
Return $hBitmap ; hBitmap type
Func _ResourceSaveToFile($FileName, $ResName, $ResType = 10, $ResLang = 0, $CreatePath = 0, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
Local $ResStruct, $ResSize, $FileHandle
If $CreatePath Then $CreatePath = 8 ; mode 8 = Create directory structure if it doesn't exist in FileOpen()
If $ResType = $RT_BITMAP Then
; workaround: for RT_BITMAP _ResourceGetAsBytes() doesn't work so use _ResourceGetAsImage()
$hImage = _ResourceGetAsImage($ResName, $ResType)
If @error Then Return SetError(10, 0, 0)
; create filepath if doesn't exist
$FileHandle = FileOpen($FileName, 2+16+$CreatePath)
If @error Then Return SetError(11, 0, 0)
If @error Then Return SetError(12, 0, 0)
_GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage, $FileName)
$ResSize = FileGetSize($FileName)
; standard way
$ResStruct = _ResourceGetAsBytes($ResName, $ResType, $ResLang, $DLL)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$ResSize = DllStructGetSize($ResStruct)
$FileHandle = FileOpen($FileName, 2+16+$CreatePath)
If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
FileWrite($FileHandle, DllStructGetData($ResStruct, 1))
If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0)
Return $ResSize
Func _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($CtrlId, $ResName, $ResType = 10, $DLL = -1) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10
Local $ResData, $nSize, $hData, $pData, $pStream, $pBitmap, $hBitmap
$ResData = _ResourceGet($ResName, $ResType, 0, $DLL)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$nSize = @extended
If $ResType = $RT_BITMAP Then
_SetBitmapToCtrl($CtrlId, $ResData)
If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
; thanks ProgAndy
; for other types than BITMAP use GDI+ for converting to bitmap first
$hData = _MemGlobalAlloc($nSize,2)
$pData = _MemGlobalLock($hData)
$pStream = DllCall( "ole32.dll","int","CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr",$hData, "int",1, "ptr*",0)
$pStream = $pStream[3]
;$pBitmap = DllCall($ghGDIPDll,"int","GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr",$pStream, "ptr*",0)
$pBitmap = $pBitmap[2]
$hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($pBitmap)
_SetBitmapToCtrl($CtrlId, $hBitmap)
If @error Then SetError(3, 0, 0)
Return 1
; internal helper function
; thanks for improvements Melba
Func _SetBitmapToCtrl($CtrlId, $hBitmap)
Local Const $STM_SETIMAGE = 0x0172
Local Const $STM_GETIMAGE = 0x0173
Local Const $BM_SETIMAGE = 0xF7
Local Const $BM_GETIMAGE = 0xF6
Local Const $IMAGE_BITMAP = 0
Local Const $SS_BITMAP = 0x0E
Local Const $BS_BITMAP = 0x0080
Local Const $GWL_STYLE = -16
Local $hWnd, $hPrev, $Style, $iCtrl_SETIMAGE, $iCtrl_GETIMAGE, $iCtrl_BITMAP
$hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($CtrlId)
If $hWnd = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$CtrlId = _WinAPI_GetDlgCtrlID($hWnd) ; support for $CtrlId = -1
If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
; determine control class and adjust constants accordingly
Switch _WinAPI_GetClassName($CtrlId)
Case "Button" ; button,checkbox,radiobutton,groupbox
Case "Static" ; picture,icon,label
Case Else
Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
; set SS_BITMAP/BS_BITMAP style to the control
$Style = _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($hWnd, $GWL_STYLE)
If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0)
_WinAPI_SetWindowLong($hWnd, $GWL_STYLE, BitOR($Style, $iCtrl_BITMAP))
If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0)
; set image to the control
$hPrev = _SendMessage($hWnd, $iCtrl_SETIMAGE, $IMAGE_BITMAP, $hBitmap)
If @error Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0)
If $hPrev Then _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPrev)
Return 1
; thanks Larry,ProgAndy
; default flag is $SND_SYNC = 0
Func _ResourcePlaySound($ResName, $Flag = 0, $DLL = -1)
If $DLL = -1 Then
$hInstance = 0
$hInstance = _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx($DLL, $LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
Local $ret = DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySound", "str", $ResName, "hwnd", $hInstance, "int", BitOr($SND_RESOURCE,$Flag))
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
If $DLL <> -1 Then _WinAPI_FreeLibrary($hInstance)
If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
Return $ret[0]
Espero que te sirva. Un saludo.